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Beck's Depression Inventory
This depression inventory can be self-scored. The scoring scale is at the end of the questionnaire.

Now that you have completed the questionnaire, add up the score for each of the twenty-one questions by counting the number to the right of each question you marked. The highest possible total for the whole test would be sixty-three. This would mean you circled number three on all twenty-one questions.

Since the lowest possible score for each question is zero, the lowest possible score for the test would be zero. This would mean you circles zero on each question.

You can evaluate your depression according to the Table below.

Levels of Depression
1-10____________________These ups and downs are considered normal
11-16___________________ Mild mood disturbance
17-20___________________Borderline clinical depression
21-30___________________Moderate depression
31-40___________________Severe depression
over 40__________________Extreme depression